Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Chile again

Hey all, sorry it's been a while since we wrote but we've been in the sticks - and since these are Bolivian sticks, they've even more remote than you may expect. We visited the mines at Potosi - well desrving of their nickname of 'Hell (the miners even pay tribute to a kind of devil figure). We then spent 3 days in a jeep rattling across an enormous Salt Flat, and subsequent lagoons and geysers, complete with flamingos and sulfurous smells. We're back in Chile now but the net here is awful and overpriced. We should be back in Santiago by the weekend, we'll put up many photos and such then.
Oh yeah, and we're all still alive. It was touch and go there in the jeep for a while (my knees hurt so much), but it's all good.


Unknown said...

We're so VERY glad you're all still alive! The salt flats and the Potosi mines sound amazing! Did you actually spend 3 days in a jeep sleeping overnight and all? Or were they just day trips?

Flamingos?! Do salt flats have "mirages" like the desert?

P xxx

Anonymous said...

two words for you robert man....travel form....

oh yazz says "man when is messiah getting back i need diablo and dota loving"

and house hunting sucks haha probably gonna mostly give up until you get up here will check realestate.com.au a couple of times a week other than that yeah not much new is going up on there.

devil worshiping miners huh...interesting...anyway talk to you when you get back to santiago maybe

Anonymous said...

each night we stopped in a village during our salt flats journeys to sleep thank god. yeah there were falmingos, an awful lot of them too.
the salt flats do kind of have mirages, just strange horizon disappearingness etc.