Monday, December 31, 2007

Altitude Record

So yesterday we broke our altitude record again. Took a day trip to 'Chacaltay'(spelling?). Started the day in La Paz (3600m, highest capitol city in the world) then drove up out of the crater to reach El Alto (4000m). Now...this translates to 'The High'. We contiued driving until we reached 5300m...looking a long way down on The High!}! A short walk to the top and our record of 5444m was set. So...little...oxygen.
We're heading out to Tihuanico ruins tomorrow near Lake Titicaca, massive remains of a pre-Inca civilisation. That'll tie us over til new years when we head off south to the mines of Potosi (refered to generally as 'Hell') and then the salt flats of Uyuni!

Wishing you all a Happy New Year,


Anonymous said...

He lives!!!

Ok that is insanely high altitudes... Sure you didn't go silly from the lack of oxygen?

Wishing you lot a Happy New Year... I've got NYE close :(

Anonymous said...

Bah, oxygen is overrated.

Sounds like you're visiting quite a variety of places... You missed the Beatles' Help! on TV yesterday, best thing ever :P

Happy New Year and the like!

Anonymous said...

*holds head* ugh happy new year and missed patrick much patrick haha

anyway hope your nights were as awesome as ours for new years

Anonymous said...

Where the hell are you guys!

You haven't posted in a week!