Tuesday, January 15, 2008


So just spent another night on a bus, this one was only 10 hours long...and we´re going straight back tomorrow! We´re in the Lakes district of Chile, in a touristy town at the bottom of a very impressive volcan, killing a bit of time before heading to Argentina. You may have seen in the news a volcano erupting in Chile recently, it was about 100km north of here so no need to worry. The one here constantly smokes and 'puffs' though so...who knows? :). Since entering Chile we have gone from off season to on, and it is very busy here. Chilenos actually have enough money to travel! (Unlike those of Peru and Bolivia) We were very lucky to walk in on a hostel run by a couple of english guys thats been open just 10 days, con vacancies and with pillows that are actually comfortable!

We spent the day poking around town before heading off to some class 3+ rapids and diving down them clutching to a few pieces of foam. We had a guide and apparently its an actual sport, though I can't recall the name. Great fun, and most likely pictures to come though for now, as it is I...nada!

The volcano looks very tempting to climb and is apparently incredible, though the 35mil price tag ($70US)...for the cheapest companies, is swaying us against. Going to be cheap and just do some walking or riding around the forest valleys tomorrow most likely.

On a side note, the major airport in Buenos Aires has been particularly bad this last week, having all international flights out of it cancelled two days in a row so...here´s to hoping we get home in time!

Lo siento for lack of photos once more. I'm still taking many, just have to wait until Aus to pick up a cheap cable th'll actually work (Santiago is expensive!). This town has quite a fast connection though so when one of the other two arrive some photos may be uploaded.

That's all for now,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah i've heard of that sport it has a really really stupid name...starts with S i think. Anyway can't wait to see the picture of the volcano Steven.

Oh and Robert I scored us a free washing machine woo for Pete moving and having way way way to much crap. So now all we need really is a freezer then we're set for white goods i think.