Ok so we got to the ferry crossing that we were unsure of whether we´d actually have to do or not, it involved getting the bus from one side of a Titicaca channel to the other. We all got offloaded onto a pint-sized little boating number with about as many life jackets to allow for one between every three skeptical persons. We then witness the bus being driven onto something that can no better be described as a preschool paddlepop stick craft class creation before being shipped in an edge-of-your-seat manner across the channel. This raft (and it was a raft because on atleast one occassion someone manouvered it with a large stick) was bearly wider and minimally longer than the bus it bore and genuinly looked asthough it was about to tip over at one point. Photo credit goes to robert.
La Paz is fantastic, soooo many pirate dvd shops, the hostel we found here is the best yet so everything is running smoothly in the worlds highest capitol city for now. More detailed posts regarding La Paz are sure to ensue, stay tuned.
Argh, the pun!
hi boys and girls,
good to hear your travels are going well. been ages since I read everything cause I was away from the net for an entire week :O Some very nice photos there. Looking forward to hear what you're doing next.
i have hepatitis
u better have aids....
-the sexy man!
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