We are back, now, in La Paz, after our week in and around Rurrenabaque ('Rurre'). It's a pretty little town on the banks of the Beni River, a major tributary of what will eventually become the mighty Amazon. We initially went upriver by boat to Chalalan EcoLodge, a journey of some 6 or 7 hours (we have no real method of measuring the time) by canoe, dodging floating logs and other debris unleashed by the recent rains.
The set-up there is fantastic - a number of small, palmwood cabins built on the edge of a beautiful, expansive lagoon (which despite the presence of cayma
After leaving Chalalan we then headed into the Pampas, the extensive swamp and grasslands bordering the jungle's edge. Here we saw many fantastic birds and animals, most intriguingly the Pink River Dolphin, which is as advertised pink, and lives in the river. Best of all, we were able to swim with them on christmas morning, right before going piraƱa fishing a few hundred metres down stream! Apparently the presence of the dolphins keeps the alligators at bay while you swim, though this didn't reassure the two french girls we were there with. We went on an extensive, exhausting hike in sweltering conditions looking for anaconda on boxing day, but I guess the blighters had a big night previous and were laying in - we didn't see a one.
Two more things - nobody is allowed to complain about the heat, humidity or quality of Autralian Air Travel ever again.
So much nausea.
P.S will attempt to add more images as a gallery - have to sort them a bit though.
P.P.S. there was 3 awesome kittens at our Pampas lodged. Their epic battles across the dining room will not soon be forgotten.
While your notes and messages are wonderful to read Robert and Luke, I too am beginning to wonder what has happened to my little brother...did he get eaten by cayman and you have just decided not to break the news until you're home, or has he just lost all typing skills?
P.S. - hope Christmas was good brothers :)
HEY! Merry Christmas all!
my first christmas without my big bro :'( haha missed ya.
epic battles? awesome XD
The Amazon sounds great! i hope there wasn't too many near death experiences with various animals.
Love yuu all! HA
<3 Zoe
P.s i hope Steve didnt actually get eaten by cayman...not good.
lol I believe I was talking to Steve on msn last night so no worries about his health and all not like Luke or Robert wanted to assure anyone. :P
Continue enjoying your trip!
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