Hi Ho, Robert here.
Just testing out some of the functionality here - you can see the map I've just added to our sidebar. Additionally, the picture you see here is for testing purposes (nothing exciting, just the tree outside my bedroom window). Seems pretty small. Will have to experiment with adding galleries via Flickr or the like.
It's 27 days now until we arrive in Auckland, New Zealand for our brief stopover, 29 days until we arrive in Santiago, Chile - Our 'true' destination. Steven and Luke are about to begin the gruelling final weeks of University, so it's up to me to figure out the last minute stuff like setting up this website.
It's our intention that this be our primary means of communication with the people back home in Australia. Of course, this is contingent on finding reasonably reliable Internet communication periodically, which may be difficult in certain areas of the central Andes! Nonetheless, we will do our best to keep you all informed. Hopefully you can subscribe to this blog and be notified by email when we update, though I'll have to check on that.
Anyway, that's all for now.